Student Self-Directed Learning
Introduction to Student Self-Directed Learning
The Implementation Rules for Student Self-Directed Learning Program have been created in order to promote in-depth integrated learning for students at the undergraduate level. A student or student group make a special topic proposal; after the proposal passes review, the student(s) then complete the project before graduation.
1. The theme of a Student Self-Directed Learning cannot overlap with or take the place of any official course that already exist in the MCUT curriculum.
2. Progress milestones for Self-Directed Learning may include practical work, visits, workshops, discussion fora, societal participation/work, digital learning, club activities, seminars, exhibitions, competition participation, and other forms of self-directed learning activities.
3. Curricular learning evaluations may include participation certificates, reflection journals, learning tables, progress journals, written reports, verbal reports, certificates, practical creations, event organization, achievement presentations, and other forms of assessment for self-directed learning.
Applying for Student Self-Directed Learning
1. If you would like to apply for Student Self-Directed Learning, you must first carefully read the Implementation Rules for Student Self-Directed Learning. To find the Rules: Home > Regulations > Search Regulations > Enter “Self-Directed Learning” as your search keyword.
2. Download the planning form: Click here.
3. After you complete the planning form, submit it for review at the General Education Center (Education Building, 4th Floor).
4. After your plan is approved, you can begin it right away. Submit your implementation results to the General Education Center for grade assessment. Once your grade has been evaluated, your grade and credits will be granted.
5. While your application is in process, you can make inquiries as needed with the General Education Center during work hours (phone extension 2225).