Online Course Selection Guideline in 2025 Spring Semester
一、課程資訊系統/Online Systems
開課資訊查詢(Online Course Information)
學生網路選課系統(Online Course Registration System)
二、選課學分限制/Credit Limit
學制 Program |
年級 Grade |
第1學期學分上/下限 Upper/Lower Credit Limit for Fall Semester |
第2學期學分上/下限 Upper/Lower Credit Limit for Spring Semester |
四技日間部 Undergraduate Program |
4年級 Fourth Grade |
27/9 |
27/9 |
3年級 Third Grade |
27/9 |
32/9 |
1-2年級 First & Second Grade |
27/16 |
27/16 |
學制 Program |
年級 Grade |
網路初選 First Step Course Selection |
網路加退選 Second Step Course Selection |
博士班 Ph.D. Program |
各年級 All Grades |
2024/12/23 12:30 PM | 2024/12/30 02:00 PM |
2025/1/13 02:00PM | 2025/1/23 02:00PM |
碩士班 Master’s Program |
各年級 All Grades |
2024/12/23 12:30 PM | 2024/12/30 02:00 PM |
2025/1/13 02:00PM | 2025/1/23 02:00PM |
四技部 Undergraduate Program |
4年級 Fourth Grade 延修生 Fifth & Sixth Grade |
2024/12/23 12:30 PM | 2024/12/30 02:00 PM |
2025/1/13 02:00PM | 2025/1/23 02:00PM |
四技部 Undergraduate Program |
1年級 First Grade 2年級 Second Grade |
Due to a system malfunction, the course registration start and end dates have been revised in accordance with the temporary announcement. |
2025/1/13 02:00PM | 2025/1/23 02:00PM |
四、注意事項/ Reminders
1. 四技部必修課程已由系統自動預選,選修課程由同學自行選擇。
Compulsory courses for undergraduate programs are automatically pre-selected by the system, and elective courses are chosen by students themselves.
2. 若因故致使網路初選無法於表訂時間開始時,為顧及公平性,起始時間將自動順延24小時,惟實際措施仍以教務處最新公告為準。
If the First Step Course Selection cannot be started at the beginning of the scheduled time, the starting time will be automatically extended for 24 hours, but the practical measures will still be subject to the latest announcement of the Academic Affairs Office.
教務處課務組/Curriculum Development Division