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Applying for Suspension, Withdrawal, or Resumption of Studies

update date : 2024-04-25


1. Materials to prepare for a Suspension of Studies

● Parent Consent Form. Your parent or guardian must sign this form before a Suspension of Studies.

● A photo. For use in creating the Certificate of Suspended Studies. One photo is required per certificate.

● A Certificate of Suspension of Studies application fee of NT$10. Pay using the Automated Payment System, in the lobby on the first floor of the Educational Building.

NB: If you need to suspend your studies in the middle of a semester, you must submit your application and have it approved before final exams.


2. Materials to prepare for a Withdrawal from Studies

● Parent Consent Form. Your parent or guardian must sign this form before a Suspension of Studies.

● A photo. For use in creating the Certificate of Withdrawal from Studies. One photo is required per certificate.

● A Certificate of Withdrawal from Studies application fee of NT$10. Pay using the Automated Payment System, in the lobby on the first floor of the Educational Building.


3. Procedure for a Resumption of Studies

● Once you receive notice via double-registered mail from the Registry Division that your Resumption of Studies is in process, go to the Registry Division to get your Proof of Resumption of Studies and begin resuming your studies.

● If you are still performing military service, submit a copy of your enlistment certificate to the Registry Division to process your continued suspension.

● If you require a continued suspension (2nd suspension of studies), go to the Registry Division to get a Proof of Continued Study Suspension and have your continued suspension processed.

● If you require a continued suspension (3rd suspension of studies), submit a formal application and sign off on the reason required for a 3rd  suspension of studies.


4. Processing a Suspension of or Withdrawal from Studies

● Make sure your materials listed above are complete, then go to the Registry Division and get a School-Leaving Procedure form, Inspection Form for Suspension/Withdrawal from Studies, Advisor Interview Record, Psychologist Interview Record, or other such documents, and take them to the appropriate office(s) to complete their specific school-leaving procedures.

● Once the different office’s school-leaving procedures are done, submit the above-mentioned documents to the Registry Division.

● If you are doing a Suspension of Studies, apply for a Certificate of Suspended Studies.

● If you are doing a Withdrawal from Studies, apply for a Certificate of Withdrawal from Studies. If semester grades have not been calculated yet, wait until grades have been calculated, and then send your application via postal mail.

● Your tuition and miscellaneous fees will be refunded in accordance with Ministry of Education Order Tai-Can-Zi No. 0970097991c, dated June 13, 2008.

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