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Applying for Proof of Course Withdrawal

update date : 2023-11-23

【Example Situation】

During the add-drop period, Student A enrolled in a General Education elective, Literary Appreciation. However, at 10:35am on a Thursday morning, Student A withdraws from the Literary Appreciation class. Student A is therefore not required to show up at Literary Appreciation that afternoon. If Student A gets marked absent by the Literary Appreciation instructor, what should Student A do?

【Example Resolution】

Within 4 weeks after the add-drop period ends, Student A applies for a Proof of Course Withdrawal at the Office of Academic Affairs' Curriculum Development Division. Student A then submits documentation to the Office of Student Affairs' Student Counseling Division, who cancels the absence. 

Note: Your application must be made no more than 4 weeks after the add-drop period ends; any overdue applications will be refused.


Q1: I already withdrew from a course, but the Curriculum Development Division hasn’t given me a Proof of Course Withdrawal. Why?

A1: A withdrawal must be processed before the start of class for the absence to be canceled. For example, if a course is scheduled for 1:00-2:50pm, your online withdrawal must be completed by 12:59pm that same day. Otherwise, you must still show up for class.  

Q2: I’ve already withdrawn from a class, but my name still shows up in the instructor’s attendance system. Why?

A2: The Online Course Registration System and the Electronic Attendance Taking System use two separate databases. Exchange between the two databases mostly happens after working hours. Therefore, if you (for example) do an online add/drop before 5:00pm on September 18th, this will only take effect in the Electronic Attendance Taking System on September 19th. This means that if you do an online add/drop after 5:00pm on September 18th, it will only take effect in the Electronic Attendance Taking System on September 20th.  Simply put, this results from time lags in data copying between the systems. 

Q3: How do I know if I’ve been marked absent from a class?

A3: There is a maximum of one week between a course instructor marking an absence and the Office of Student Affairs' Student Counseling Division receiving the information. We recommend that you go to the Student Information Portal 7 days after the event and check your attendance record. If you need any assistance, contact the Student Counseling Division  (Ms. Lin, phone ext. 2307). 

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